
Below Hypothesis

Mon Nov 10 00:25:28 PST 2003

On Sun, 9 Nov 2003, David Silberstein wrote:
> [tangent]
> I have the notion that "pararectal" ought to be prefixed before
> all examples of science and technology as portrayed in the movies and
> television.  So, for example, Lara Croft is pararectal archeologist.
> The more the science/tech deviates from reality, or from sane
> speculation, the more prefixes we add to the term, to indicate that it
> came from further up the descending colon.  So while, say, Trek's
> "warp drive" is merely pararectal, the way the universal translator
> *immediately* recognizes languages is hyperpararectal technology, and
> the bogon-particle-du-jour is superhyperpararectal particle physics.

I think about these sorts of classification on occasion and find them
difficult.  There may be a lot of particle species out there, I can
imagine how a universal translator might work, and I suspect a warp drive
violates causality, and there may be a lot of particle species out there,
so I would tend to reverse the order you present, depending on what the
bogon does for a living.

In order of increasing unlikelihood, I would put:
Santa Claus, one's neighbor's major religion, astrology.
But what do I know.  I do think this kind of back-of-the-envelope
estimate would be good for tests of grad students in some field of study
which probably doesn't exist but should, and which I guess you've named.

> [/tangent]