
Kragar (was: A thought concerning Skinter's future...)

Talpianna at aol.com Talpianna at aol.com
Mon Nov 10 12:27:47 PST 2003

In a message dated 11/10/2003 12:12:57 AM US Mountain Standard Time, 
philiph at SLAC.Stanford.EDU writes:
>I don't see "sometime in the last 250 years" as any sort of evidence
> >for the Skinter (what's below hypothesis?)
> Suggestion?
> Notion?
> Idea?
> Pulled-from-out-of-arse wild speculation?

I'm looking for some philosophy-of-science-blessed term, if possible with
a Greek root....
How about "presumption," with another meaning that puts a sting in its tail?  
Only a Latin root, I fear.
