SPOILER SPACE Okay, I'm gonna write a story for all you guys. The POV is that nice little Morganti knife that Vlad has in the end of _Issola_. I'll start at the point just after Morrolan is killed. Forgive my little mistakes, there's only one important hypothesis to this narrative. The rest is just me not writing philosophy essays. So there I was, in my sheathe. Around me raged something. Something strong. I don't know what was happening, but it made me very very hungry. And then suddenly, at long last, I was free, pulled by a hand whose rage flowed around me like blood in my lines (very bad pun there, sorry). This rage was consuming. I rather liked it, actually. I quite rapidly found myself being swung at high velocity into what would have been the kidney of a being who obviously wasn't a normal being. To make a bit of an understatement, he tasted REALLY good. It was ecstasy, it was insane power coursing through my halls, it was the blood of a God that wet my metal blade. Whatever it was, I knew right then that I would never get any more satisfaction from drinking normal mortals. Godsblood. Gotta get me somma that. I heard one of them call me Godslayer eventually. If I had shoulders, I would have shrugged. Cancel that, if I had shoulders, then I would have had arms, and then I would have used those arms to stab at whoever was around me. But by that point, something had happened to me. There was a soul that directed my powers. That soul wasn't nearly as hungry as I was, which bodes none too good for when I finally get free. Now you guys have to remember that Morgantis are sentient. The more powerful they are, the greater the sentience. Godslayer is in the top three with Iceflame, and that Morganti wannabe, the Orb. Regardless of however Teldra and Vlad and Spellbreaker subdued the sentience in the blade and overlaid Teldra's consciousness onto it, the fact remains that there *is* still a sentience in there that is a vicious killer. And that killer has tasted what I'm reasonably sure no other blade has *ever* tasted before. Can you imagine the blood of a God to a Morganti blade? I think that, fate notwithstanding, any blade would have been driven crazy if it got somma that. hehehehe Godslayer Jr. would be the name of a less powerful base morganti with the same recipe that went into its construction, assuming you could get another Spellbreaker, which you can't. Jon _________________________________________________________________ The new MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE* http://join.msn.com/?page=features/junkmail http://join.msn.com/?page=dept/bcomm&pgmarket=en-ca&RU=http%3a%2f%2fjoin.msn.com%2f%3fpage%3dmisc%2fspecialoffers%26pgmarket%3den-ca