
Below Hypothesis

Mon Nov 10 18:55:23 PST 2003

> Dealing with real first contact protocols (language acquisition,
> biocontainment procedures) would simply make Star Trek and Stargate SG-1
> unwatchable.  Or slower and more expensive, at any rate.  I suspect the
> was true of Crusade, although I never watched much.  (You'd think a series
> motivated by plague would be more cautious about exploring strange
> -xx- Damien X-)

For Biocontainment, Star Trek had special immunizations and personal
containment fields.

And I believe Crusade, though I've watched very little of it as well, had
both a telepath and a technomage.  It would be odd if it wasn't explained,
since JMS was amazing in constructing Babylon 5.

Akodo Bob
-not quite a Trekkie, but who wonders what the name for B5 fans is.