
Below Hypothesis

Tue Nov 11 10:50:21 PST 2003

On Tue, 11 Nov 2003, Damien Sullivan wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 10, 2003 at 10:53:32PM -0800, Philip Hart wrote:
> http://www.slac.stanford.edu/~philiph/bagel.htm
> > it would be a bit much for breakfast.  Not to mention the meter and rhyme
> > scheme.
> Er, what are the meter and rhyme scheme?  I don't see anything regular, apart
> from all the lines ending in 'l'.

That's a rhyme scheme, rather a ridiculous one.  Call it a slant-rhyme
scheme if you're hard-core.  I think the poem's loosely iambic, more from
it being in English than conscious design.

But anyway, I was trying to make a joke about how foul lutefisk is (see
the snippage) - just putting it into the poem would set the rhyme and
meter awry.  That's my last po-mo poetry joke for the year.