
Chreotha - A Speculation

Trevor Fiatal trevor at fiatal.net
Wed Nov 12 12:15:15 PST 2003

Mark Englehart wrote:

> Hello All,
> Looking over the archives, I noticed that a few times the question has
> been asked "what do we know about the Lesser Houses?" and the answer
> has generally been "not too much." With your kind indulgence, I will
> go out on a limb and incorporate what we do know with a sense of
> history and speculate on the nature of the Chreotha.
> ----

Excellent job, Mark.

I couldn't help chuckling over how 'Seriolli' sounds like a character 
>from Sesame Street, though -- it's actually 'Serioli'.


Trevor Fiatal -- trevor at fiatal.net