
Pets (was Re: Vlad, training and the paths of the dead (Issola spoiler))

Chris Olson - SunPS Chrisf.Olson at Sun.COM
Thu Nov 13 11:03:10 PST 2003

John Almasi wrote:
> I named my cat Prandius. Which I believe is a
> masculine derivative of the Latin word for "Lunch".
> Correct me if I am wrong. That was the intent anyway.
> Just so he would know where he stood in the cosmic
> scheme of the household. And of course, being a cat,
> he immediately took over.

Reading these pet-posts, I have noticed an interesting

It appears there are a great many cat-people on this

Why, oh why, does this not surprise me....<grin>

Any doggie-Morrolans out there?  Let's hear it for
Equal Canine Representation!

Chris (Who is, he must confess, a cat-person.:)

"Life is the nightmare that leaves its mark upon you
in order to prove that it is, in fact, real."
	-Thomas Ligotti- 'The Sect of the Idiot'