
Pets (was Re: Vlad, training and the paths of the dead (Issola spoiler))

Talpianna at aol.com Talpianna at aol.com
Thu Nov 13 15:37:49 PST 2003

In a message dated 11/13/2003 3:12:25 PM US Mountain Standard Time, 
Randi128 at aol.com writes:
. I am not ready to take medication every day just to have the 
pleasure of cleaning litter boxes and hairballs. 

But what about the scratches?  the yowling?  the presents of small dead 
creatures left on your pristine pillow?  the insertion of a furry presence between 
you and your reading matter?  the incessant opening of the door?  the 
catfights?  How can you live without these delights?
