On Mon Oct 27th, 2003 3:21 PM, Steve Brust webblogged: ] A trying day, but, ultimately, a successful one. ] ] At two bells of the morning watch, in moderate SSW ] topgallent staysail breeze, [...] ] ] Around six bells, we beat to quarters, dismasted the box, ] rebuilt her (a new copper bottom--with a decent trim she should ] do very well on a bowline) and floated her. [...] I just thought I'd mention that if you like this sort of thing, you might very well enjoy "Master and Commander". Speaking as a 21st-C. landlubber, I think this film went to great lengths to provide an excellent & reasonably realistic reproduction of a 19th-C. naval campaign. I also found myself trying assign Dragaeran Houses to the characters. Captain Aubry's tenacity, ferocity & suprising cleverness do seem to be definitely Orca-ish. Dr. Maturin is very much like a Hawk.