At 19:22 -0500 18.11.2003, Jag wrote: > On Tue, 2003-11-18 at 19:08, Talpianna at wrote: > > I just cut and paste. I don't know how to reset it, and have had no other > > complaints. > > It's actually been bothering me for a while, but I've just been biting > my tongue. I was actually getting to the point where I was about to say > something, then moments before I did, I found that someone had beaten me > to it :) Me too. I'm only a silent participant, but I realized after several messages today that I had been skipping over most of the messages from Tal, because I thought s/he was simply reposting old material by mistake with nothing new added (or that I was seeing more of the duplicate messages which seem to plague this list from time to time). I hadn't even realized s/he was adding original material after the 'quoted' stuff, because I didn't see any quotes. It's a small thing, but the addition of proper quote marks really would make things easier for those of us who are so used to net standards. - Nancy.