
Out of the loop

Kenneth Gorelick pulmon at comcast.net
Sun Nov 30 13:04:34 PST 2003

How about "valabar's", where he could include interplay between 
Easterners who are in a superior position with Dragaerans, and also put 
in more food and drink sidebars?
On Nov 28, 2003, at 11:47 AM, Matthew Klahn wrote:

> On Nov 28, 2003, at 10:31 , David Silberstein wrote:
>> On Fri, 28 Nov 2003, David Silberstein wrote:
>>> On Thu, 27 Nov 2003, Angie Jackson wrote:
>>>> Hey guys, can one of you be kind enough to fill me in on the new 
>>>> Vlad
>>>> book?
>>> Er, it's being written?
> This is also an assumption, though well founded. As Mr. Brust hasn't 
> been *ahem* updating his weblog, we... *I* don't really have more 
> recent information than: <potentially inaccurate summarization>"As 
> soon as I get Emacs working, I can start writing the new Vlad 
> novel."</pis>
> It would be interesting to read a novel that takes place _during_ 
> _Issola_, maybe from the point of view of... I don't know... Verra or 
> the chunk of Trellanstone. At any rate, I'm sure Mr. Brust could swing 
> it... somehow.
> Also, the name being one of the Great Houses is also an assumption, as 
> there is precedence in _Taltos_ of using some other non-House name as 
> the title of one of the books. So, it could be _Kieron_, about the 
> return of Kieron the Conquerer, come to whoop up on Aliera for giving 
> his sword away, _Verra_, _e'Drien_, etc. Although _Issola_ was about 
> the Jenoine, there could, without stretching the imagination too far, 
> even been a book titled _Jenoine_, or even _Serioli_. Brust is good 
> enough at improvisation that he could swing any of these, I would 
> guess.
> --
> Matthew S. Klahn
> Software Architect, CodeTek Studios, Inc.
> http://www.codetek.com