On Sun, 7 Dec 2003, Mark A Mandel wrote: >On Sun, 7 Dec 2003, Peter H. Granzeau wrote: >#The name you want is Dolivar. I don't believe his soul was Mario, >#as Vlad speaks of Mario in the present tense (I think in _Jhereg_). >While I also don't think that Mario and Vlad are, um, soulmates, I'm >unwilling to pin a lot on Vlad's use. Someone on this list has >described Vlad's attitude toward Mario as something like >superstitious awe. V may be simply assuming that M is still alive. >Have we seen any other evidence one way or the other? > Er, the comments by somebody named Steve Brust that Mario is still sparking Aliera, and has in fact just done so prior to a scene in JHEREG?