
Question on "Pressing"

Fri Dec 12 12:34:26 PST 2003

> >Is it Zelazny's book _Doorways in the Sand_ where we see a duel
> >between two expert swordsmen, the duel consisting entirely of the men
> >circling each other looking for an deadly advantage?  I remember one
> >dueler saying, "You almost had me there" at some point, though
> >nothing visible changed. 

I watch video of the late kumite rounds of the world Shotokan Cup
a few years ago.

It was remarkably like this.

Jot Powers 	<books at bofh.com> 		http://www.bofh.com/books/
"I'm upping my standards, so up yours!" 
	-Pat Paulsen (1927-1997), Presidential Campaign Slogan