

Wed Dec 31 10:01:45 PST 2003

On Wed, 31 Dec 2003 09:45:11 -0800 (PST), you wrote:

>Why?  There are problems where sorcery is the best answer; there are
>problems where engineering is the best solution.
>Building houses (or castles), for example, appears to be mostly an
>engineering problem.  Sorcery might help with the building (although 
>the cost for a good sorceror has to be weighed against the labor of
>various Teckla), but the house does have to be designed first.

And, really, can't we just view it as two different kinds of
technology?  In our modern world, there are applications where
mechanical engineering are better suited than electrical or nuclear,
right?  Times where manpower works more efficiently and more
economically than robotics.



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