
disturbing thought *spoilers*

Fri Jan 2 10:40:31 PST 2004

On Fri, 2004-01-02 at 12:28, Jon Carey wrote:
> Having not read LoCB
>  Perhaps there is, during the 3 days 
> after bodydeath, some link (probably psychic or psionic, like Vlad used to 
> get a thread on Mellar, using one of Mellar's hairs) between the body and 
> the soul that can be traced or pulled upon by a sorceror, resulting in 
> revivification.  

It would have to be more than 3 days.  Remember in PotD, it took them
*months* to reach Deathgate Falls.  Suppose they were carrying a body
with them.  The soul would have to somehow be still attached to the body
when it went over.

Which reminds me of another thing that has bothered me about the Paths. 
How many people actually get sent over the Falls.  Think about how long
it took Piro and Company to get there.  And think about how often
someone dies.  Do you really think each city would be able to have at
least one or two entourages leaving for the Falls every day?  There
wouldn't be any city left.  Everyone would be on their way to or from
the Falls.  So it must be a very rare thing to get sent over.  Obviously
wouldn't happen for a Teckla.. and I doubt they could even do it for
every noble..