On Sun, 11 Jan 2004 02:40:46 -0800, you wrote: > >From: Hans Schweitzer <hans117 at yahoo.com> >Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2004 22:32:34 -0800 (PST) >>Two this dieting thing is very annoying. I personally >I think that you should eat whatever you want and exercise >regularly (I suggest a sport, specifically Lacrosse.) I've >noticed that when you exercise a lot you don't want to eat >unhealthy foods, plus you are actually healthier not just >thinner. > >Hey, I've no beef with lacrosse; it's how I got to college >practically free, after all. But some people can't afford to >spend three hours out of their days looking for a pick-up >lacrosse game, and some people get thunk to be wierd if they >carry around that cute little stick with them all the time. >Some people don't feel like exercising more than the usual >stomping around the office, and so they turn to magical foods >that will disappear the fat for them. ("Disappear" is now an >intransitive AND a transitive verb. Mark will back me up on >this, or I'll cry at him.) I think it's awesome and >fascinating that people do this dieting thing at all, and >eagerly await more reports of same. > And some of us are physically incapable of exercise, due to physical disability. Lacrosse is a great idea. I'd be happy if I could get out of bed without being in pain. -- laz I am the Dread Pirate Roberts #23546. Ask me about franchise opportunities!