
Fwd: Greetings, houses, politics, pedantics

Wed Jan 14 11:17:09 PST 2004

On Wed, 14 Jan 2004 Gaertk at aol.com wrote:

> Noam Izenberg <noam.izenberg at jhuapl.edu> writes:
> > Hm. There is no house animal that embodies the quality of
> > Patience. A tell?
> I'd guess Tsalmoth or Chreotha.

Issola - don't they stand motionless waiting for a fish to appear?

Note that
is the first place to consult on such matters.  You might consider Hawk
based on his calling them "observant, detached".  Tsalmoth are
"persistent; loyal."  Creotha are "shy or easily flustered."  Lyorn are
surely patient.

I'm sticking with Issola though.

Note that even impetuous Dzur can be patient - sharpening their swords,
for example.  And Jhereg, carefully planning a work.