
Dzur and Sex

David Silberstein davids at kithrup.com
Fri Jan 23 14:46:10 PST 2004

[On the original subject of Dzur and cross-House shenanigans]

On Fri, 16 Jan 2004, Philip Hart wrote:

>I would however like to reiterate my Yendis-sleep-around-a-lot theory,
>accounting for both their lack of House features and their low status.

Yendi have low status?  Well, they have reputations for being
deceptive, which is not entirely the same thing.

>Re the spoiler below, I'm sticking with my they're-gay theory for now.

I tend to doubt it, but perhaps we shall see.

>Also re the spoiler, see _TLoCB_, top of page 234.

[spoiler space for /Lord of Castle Black/ inserted again]

Ah, yes.  I see that I forgot to mention Tazendra and her desire
for a permanent union with Aerich.  And from PotD, the shameless
cohabitation of Lord Shant and Lady Lewchin, also a Dzur and a

I realize that my earlier post was somewhat selective in the
information presented.  After all, Dragons too seem to be interested
in cross-House liasons (Jenicor & Pel, Aliera & Mario, etc).  However,
Dzur seem to be less careful about having these liasons and letting
people know about them, and sometimes less careful about preventing,
well, you know.

It occurs to me that in /Sethra Lavode/, Khaavren may well see Illista
for the first time in 700 years or so, recalling to him, no doubt to
his great embarrassment, his own youthful cross-House lust.  Perhaps
he will be prompted to seek forgiveness from Piro, who, after all, is
not much older than Khaavren was at that time.