
[stevenbrust] Re: Dzur and Sex

Mark A Mandel mam at theworld.com
Thu Jan 29 08:30:11 PST 2004

On Wed, 28 Jan 2004, Greg Morrow wrote:

#Note that, apparently from Aliera's case, being half-god doesn't count as
#being a cross-breed, which is moderately interesting considering the
#general Dragaeran opinion of gods, which implies that cross-breeding with
#gods is OK because gods are powerful, not because gods are divine (or
#otherwise special).

Or maybe because gods aren't of a Dragaeran House. Maybe the taboo is
only, or primarily, on cross-HOUSE pairing.

Aibynn is a Houseless Dragaeran (by race, not as in "citizen of the
Empire"), an immigrant or refugee from Greenaere. If he doesn't join a
House, I postulate that he could still marry and father a child without
stigma, or at least without the stigma attaching to inter-House marriage
and parentage.

-- Mark A. Mandel