
[stevenbrust] Re: Dzur and Sex

Thu Jan 29 15:12:50 PST 2004

On Thu, 29 Jan 2004, Alexx Kay wrote:

> > I had thought _influence_ went with the Cycle, and I can imagine status
> > following influence to some extent - but I can't imagine any point in the
> > Cycle where House Lyorn will be looked down on like House Jhereg is now.
> I can.  I see lots of real-world examples of cultures which are (at least
> briefly) obsessed with novelty, to the extent that people who are concerned
> with things like honor, tradition, and intellectual thinking are seen as
> pariahs.  I think such meme-plexes are unstable and self-defeating, but
> they definitely *do* occur periodically.  Admittedly, it's rare for them to
> heap as much scorn on intellectuals as is more generally heaped on Organized
> Crime -- but I don't think it's unheard of.

I don't think the Lyorn would accept such a situation.  I _know_ the Dzur
wouldn't.  Marginalized, sure, but sneered at?

But ok, I shouldn't argue from the limits of what I can imagine.