
Steve's weblog

Steve Simmons scs at di.org
Fri Jan 30 04:29:44 PST 2004

On Thu, Jan 29, 2004 at 10:41:42PM -0800, Steven Brust wrote:

> > > That show is, or was, a guilty pleasure of mine.  I hate it that the
> > > best writing on TV is always on cop shows.  Hate it.  Hate hate hate.

> > You obviously never saw Firefly. Or Buffy. Or even Angel...

> Actually, I have.  I'll give Firefly.  Very impressive writing.  Very.

All three written by the same guy, Josh Whedon.  When Buffy was on
(sadly, not frequent after the first few seasons) it had dialog to
die for.
   "I try not to sound old and cynical, but it's hard to do that when
you're old and cynical."