
The pleasures and quandries of getting older

Fri Jan 30 08:15:47 PST 2004

On Fri, Jan 30, 2004 at 08:46:18AM -0500, Noam Izenberg wrote:

> Most of the Zelazny I have read was over half my life ago . . .
> . . . Here's the real 
> quandry - do I go back and re-read the things I loved 20 years ago, or 
> do I forge ahead into new (or simply new to me) territory? Here's where 
> being a slow reader does _not_ pay off.

IMHO reading Zelazny you have not previously read will be more enjoyable
than re-reading the Amber books, even if you've largely forgotten the
content of those Amber volumes.  IMHO his other work is mostly better
than any of the last 8 Amber books.  Sales figures indicate that Amber
is more *popular*, but in this I freely admit to having better taste
than the average mass-market fantasy reader.  :-)
   "I try not to sound old and cynical, but it's hard to do that when
you're old and cynical."