
Sorry about the multiple emails

Jason Axelrod jda3 at njit.edu
Mon Feb 2 10:35:10 PST 2004

Sorry about that, the mailer daemon kept sending me back this response:



MDaemon has indentified your message as spam.  It will not be delivered.


>From      :
dragaera-return-11593-christian.ericsson=publicistbyran.se at dragaera.info

To        : christian.ericsson at publicistbyran.se

Subject   : [***SPAM*** Score/Req: 06.80/06.00] Hello, I am new here...

Message-ID: <0HSG00ADSZ1MLZ at mta7.srv.hcvlny.cv.net>


Yes, hits=6.8 required=6.0


---- Start SpamAssassin results 6.80 points, 6 required; *  2.7 -- Subject
starts with "Hello" *  3.5 -- Forged mail pretending to be from MS Outlook *
0.6 -- Message looks like Outlook, but isn't ---- End of SpamAssassin


: Message contains [1] file attachments



The only time it didn't send me this message was when the subject didn't
start with "Hello".