

Wed Feb 4 08:50:56 PST 2004

--- Jason *Jaxel* Axelrod <jda3 at njit.edu> wrote:
> I never read CFSBG

To me, it's probably SKZB's most moving book.  _Athyra_ might
be in the same league.  However (I'm not going to give anything
away, but the criticism I'm going to make could conceivably
lessen your enjoyment of _Cowboy Feng_, and if anyone wants to
argue with me, they may find spoiler space useful),
...I couldn't understand why the bad guys acted the way they did.

This is connected to the Cool Stuff Theory: what is Uncool Stuff,
and how much does it vitiate Cool Stuff?  My answer is that I've
reread CFSB&G several times, but if the bad guys' actions had made
more sense to me, I would have enjoyed it more.

Jerry Friedman

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