
Brust weblog entry

David Rodemaker dar at horusinc.com
Sat Feb 7 15:33:39 PST 2004

> > Kenneth Gorelick writes:
> >   Macs are easier to use, more stable, and do everything you need. I
> only
> >   know 2 people who have used both Mac and PC extensively and prefer
> PCs.
> >   They are married to each other and each has an IQ > 180. They are
> >   frustrated by macs because they are too simple.
> >
> > Then maybe they should just be using UNIX instead.  Using Windows
> > because they're complex isn't smart; it's a sign of masochism.
> responding before inevitable 'MacOS X _is_ UNIX, really' canard reply.

Personally, the whole series has been ruined now that I find out that St.
Brust isn't writing this out longhand with quill and parchment...
