
Mac vs PC War--delete if not interested!

Sat Feb 7 16:10:26 PST 2004

>most people use computers for writing or math or presentations.


How many gamers do you see using computers for writing, math, *or* 
presentations?  How about graphic artists?  Web designers?

Let's face it - computers are used in many different ways.  If you want to 
be *really* inclusive, say "most people use computers for e-mail, im, IRC, 
or voice communication".  Of course, none of those things are OS-specific.  

>I follow the software world to a limited degree, and except for Project 
>there is nothing out there that even slightly wish to add to my mac.

You're obviously not a gamer.  There is no other platform for the serious 
gamer (sad to say).  If Apple were to rectify the availability of the latest 
games, allow users to customize their own rigs the way you can with Wintel 
boxes, and cut prices for the more powerful hardware, I'd look at it.

I'm not holding my breath.

johne (phy) cook
wisconsin, usa

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