
Mailing list vs. forum (was: warning to newbies)

Mark A Mandel mam at theworld.com
Tue Feb 10 15:03:52 PST 2004

On Tue, 10 Feb 2004, Matthew Klahn wrote:

#On Feb 9, 2004, at 22:01 , David Maxwell wrote:
#> In a discussion forum where many people read your message, it's only
#> decent of you to put some time into editing things down to a pure form.
#> Quoting two screenfuls of previous messages doesn't help anyone -
#> that's
#> what the archives are for.
#You know, I've wondered for the past couple of days if the mailing list
#might be better presented in some form of web forum, like phpbb or
#ubbthreads. I say this not so that we can have picture sigs or any of
#that crap, but rather just that it would be much easier to trim out
#stuff and might make reading a particular thread a little nicer. Also,
#if you ignore an entire thread, you don't have to delete it from your
#Inbox. I know that most people won't like this suggestion, but it
#occurred to me. Oh, and, you can do things like password protect the
#forums and have people have to register to post, etc. so that you don't
#have trouble with bots posting, etc.

I don't use web mail when I can avoid it. I read my mail in pine.

What do I lose? Flashing lights, HTML format, click-and-load pictures
and music and webpages, oh my!

What do I gain? Clear text (usually), no email viruses (ever).

What do I already have that you say I would gain? Lessee... I can sort
my mail by subject line. I can then go down the sorted index and say,
 - "I'll read this thread": ENTER to read; then N for next,
read it, repeat as needed
 - "I'll delete this thread": type ':' to flag the current message in
the index and move the highlight to the next one, repeat as needed; then
'A' 'D' 'X' to delete all the messages I've flagged
 - "I'll read this thread later": flag with ':', then 'A' 'S' to save,
type name of folder to save into
 - "I'll export this thread into a file to download to home"

And so on.

#Thoughts, opinions, flames? Btw, I do appreciate having this mailing
#list, and I also appreciate the people that make it possible. I'm not
#trying to offend anyone or raise any hackles, but just wondering
#something outloud... err... in text.

Discussion like this is a Good Thing.

-- Mark A. Mandel
   a Steven Brust Dragaera fan website