
Mac & "PC" Zealots was Re: Brust weblog entry

Casey Rousseau casey at the-bat.net
Thu Feb 12 08:42:20 PST 2004

Derrill wrote:
> ... That, and I like BSD better because if I have a serious
> problem, my brother in law knows a bunch of devs and can 
> speak their language, so a solution is generally forthcoming.

Seems to me that if you need to know someone who speaks the language in
order to successfully use an OS, there's a direct relationship between
the objective usefulness of a platform and the availabilty of
"translators" amongst your friends and family.

Better to have readily available and accessible reference materials.

Then again, the barrier is just transferred to knowing how to
effectively mine the reference materials.  This has always been a talent
of mine, so I tend to discount the difficulty.  People tell me they have
difficulty with TechNet and MSDN.  Personally I find them wonderfully
rich sources of information and much easier to navigate than other
vendor sites I use on a regular basis.

Of course, I know next to nothing about Linux or BSD.  I do have a book
or two and would have a glimmer of an idea as to where to start looking,
but I'd probably be starting with Google on almost every question.
