
Mac & "PC" Zealots

Fri Feb 13 05:12:01 PST 2004

On Fri, Feb 13, 2004 at 06:55:44AM -0500, Edward Hahn wrote:

> On 12 Feb 2004, at 11:09 PM, Paul Echeverri wrote:

> >To save time, imagine several replies, in all flavors of snottiness 
> >from 'none' to 'quite a lot,' explaining to you how very 
> >technologically naive, if not downright silly, you are for even having 
> >to ask such a question, as everyone here usually just hand-hacks their 
> >.procmailrc to process this kind of reply-to:list automagically.
> Well, I don't have to imagine this at all, it seems.

Instead, imagine a politer one which simply says that many years of
experience shows that it causes more problems than it solves, and
directs you to a URL that discusses the plusses and minuses.  


Whoops, you don't have to imagine that either.  :-)  But I hope this
leaves you with a better taste in your mouth than Paul did.  Being
correct does not condone being rude.

For the record, if the average Internet sophisitication of a list is
high enough, Reply-To munging can work.  But in 17 years of being on
mailing lists, I've only seen one where the list stays consistantly
at that level.
   "I try not to sound old and cynical, but it's hard to do that when
you're old and cynical."