
What is an iorich?

David Silberstein davids at kithrup.com
Fri Feb 13 17:03:27 PST 2004

On Fri, 13 Feb 2004, Bryan Newell wrote:

>Book of Jhereg, pg 58 -
>   Lady Teldra was tall, beautiful, and graceful as a dzur.  Her eyes
>   were as soft as an iorich's wing, and her walk was smooth,
>   flowing, and delicate as a court dancer's.  She held herself with
>   the relaxed, confident poise of, well, of an issola.
>Dzurlord, Brust's Introduction, quoted from
>http://www.mojoworld.net/sil/treats/dzurlordintro.html -
>	The iorich is a large, slow-moving, river dwelling reptile.
>A "large, slow-moving, river dwelling reptile" with "soft" wings?

One of the things noted by Mario^H^Hk was that in /The Phoenix Guards/
there is some small confusion on the part of, well, *somebody* -
Paarfi or Steve or both - between "Iorich" and "Issola".


Since issolas do indeed have wings, perhaps it happened again here?
Who can say?

Alternatively, consider that perhaps ioriches are indeed also winged.
It would be amusing to consider that they might bear a certain
superficial resemblance to jhereg... 

>Perhaps Dzurlord is not canon; I don't remember any other iorich text

Booksearch has only 25 hits on iorich; all other refs besides the one
you note are to the House rather than the animal.  But booksearch is
incomplete.  Ah, well.