
Last gasp of techno-speak

Mon Feb 16 02:17:20 PST 2004

> Steve Brust might *possibly* be talked into using a Mac if there was a
full-time, live-in person who could support it.  (preferably cute and asian)

*chuckle*  No, not even that would do it, I'm afraid.

> I might *possibly* be talked into learning how to support Macs once
drunken zealots at parties, whose career feild isn't anywhere CLOSE to
technical, stop trying to convince me I should replace my Linux network
server with a Mac box. <shudders>
> The likeliest thing to happen, though, is that my friend will get a Front
End Wizard coded for Steve's favorite game that is Linux based....upon which
the whole household will switch to Linux, happily waving bye-bye to
Microsoft forever.
Unless we go with BSD instead, which a delightful fellow has me about 75%
convinced I should.  He  brought over a bottle of 25 year old MacCallan,
which made his arguments very convincing indeed.