
What Should I Buy?

Gaertk at aol.com Gaertk at aol.com
Mon Feb 16 18:32:50 PST 2004

This post is off-topic, but at least it's about books....

A month from now I plan on pre-ordering _Sethra Lavode_, and
I need to spend $7 more to get free shipping, so I need to 
chose something cheap I really want to read.

I thought I'd ask here for opinions, since several of you are
on my Share the Love list, and there may be something here
that you want too.  If anyone else wants to be on that list, 
just say so (and everyone is welcome to put me on their 

My current choices:

Bujold, _Curse of Chalion_
Butcher, _Fool Moon_
Dean, _The Hidden Land_
Murphy, _Cat Raise the Dead_ 

Unfortunately, the Bujold is the only one not in the middle
of a series, and it's also the only one I've already read
(that's not a coincidence), so I'm not in a hurry to get it.

(I'll assume dd-b will recommend his wife's book and save him
the trouble of posting.)

Of course, I'll go through all this again in a couple months
when I try to get free shipping for _A Hat Full of Sky_ (and
I'll need $14 for that).
