
What Should I Buy?

Mon Feb 16 19:03:52 PST 2004

I liked the Dean book very much. I'd probably recommend the LMB first, but
since you've read it, not so urgent.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: <Gaertk at aol.com>
To: <dragaera at dragaera.info>
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2004 9:32 PM
Subject: What Should I Buy?

> This post is off-topic, but at least it's about books....
> A month from now I plan on pre-ordering _Sethra Lavode_, and
> I need to spend $7 more to get free shipping, so I need to
> chose something cheap I really want to read.
> I thought I'd ask here for opinions, since several of you are
> on my Share the Love list, and there may be something here
> that you want too.  If anyone else wants to be on that list,
> just say so (and everyone is welcome to put me on their
> list).
> My current choices:
> Bujold, _Curse of Chalion_
> Butcher, _Fool Moon_
> Dean, _The Hidden Land_
> Murphy, _Cat Raise the Dead_
> Unfortunately, the Bujold is the only one not in the middle
> of a series, and it's also the only one I've already read
> (that's not a coincidence), so I'm not in a hurry to get it.
> (I'll assume dd-b will recommend his wife's book and save him
> the trouble of posting.)
> Of course, I'll go through all this again in a couple months
> when I try to get free shipping for _A Hat Full of Sky_ (and
> I'll need $14 for that).
> --KG