
Really, really, really stupid question

Derrill 'Kisc' Guilbert lister at insaneninjahero.com
Tue Feb 17 17:21:23 PST 2004

Jeffrey Kiok wrote:
>>>> Perhaps now that Vlad's got a Jenoine-Jabber of his
>>>> own, Paarfi will sit up an take notice...
>>> I don't know if Vlad's going to want to publicize that fact.
>>> He's got a lot less to fear nowadays - conventionally anyway.
>>> I would imagine that an Easterner (no matter his reincarnationary
>>> lineage) bearing a Great Weapon would be a major affront to
>>> no small number of Dragons, Dzurs, and others. If it became
>>> widely known, Vlad would probably have to go through quite
>>> a number of nasty duels to convince the population that they
>>> couldn't just 'make things right' by killing him and taking Teldra.
>> I think you may be making an assumption (though not necessarily an untrue
>> one) that Dragerean's would have a 'issue' with an Easterner having a GW.
>> For all we know, and there's a certain amount of evidence that supports
>> this, Dragerean's may very well think it's *weird* and may even think 
>> that
>> there's a *problem* but that's not the same as saying "Easterner + GW =
>> Bad", they may be just as likely or more likely to say "[Former Jhereg 
>> and
>> Friend of Setha & Crew (Now Imperial Count? IIRC)] + GW = Possible 
>> Problem"
> I'd be inclined to agree here.  I mean, certainly there's a high degree 
> of racism, but a possible outcome is maybe a bit of grudging respect for 
> Vlad from Dragereans.  Also, they might recognize him as a possible 
> problem, but if someone you knew about had a Great Weapon called 
> "Godslayer", would you to make your criticism too vocal, notwithstanding 
> them being an Easterner?
> -Jeff

I would say that lumping all Dragaerans together in this kind of 
mishmash might be the most important mistake. If Baritt were around, I 
don't doubt that he'd come up with a plan to remove Lady Teldra from 
Vlad's possession. On the other hand, one supposes that Kragar is going 
to think it is pretty cool that he knows someone with a GW ... while at 
the same time wanting Vlad to stay far away as much as possible ;)
