SPOILERS FOR _THE LORD OF CASTLE BLACK_ At the end of the book, Verra is questioning Moranthe about Skinter and Habil. Moranthe says that they wanted her to manifest and help them. Verra wonders why they picked her. I think that it is her worshippers in the East they want to influence. They planned to have her appear to her followers and send them to attack the Empire to disrupt Zerika's new reign. Since the goddess they first sought is apparently unavailable, they try again with Tri'nagore. I believe that at in the next book the people who attacked Blackchapel will follow Tri'nagore's command to attack and Morrolan will face them (and gain his revenge, unless Paarfi is more mistaken than his critics believe). __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail SpamGuard - Read only the mail you want. http://antispam.yahoo.com/tools