
Feeling haikuish on a rainy day

Wed Feb 25 12:47:10 PST 2004

On Wed, 25 Feb 2004, Warlord wrote:

@> As the cycle turns
@> These are the reigns of our lives
@> When Paarfi expounds

Murder in alleys
Assassin, young and restless
Kills his oppressors
Unaware of his nature
The heritage of his soul

Bold and beautiful
A golden-haired Dragonlord
Touchy as all hell
Child of magic and chaos
And mother to mystery

Ill-starred Dragonlord
Sates his passions; blood and souls
Carries a black sword
A wand for creating death
Student of magic and war

Soldier, vampire, thief
Has more than one life to live
Empire in one hand
A mountain in the other
If you have upset her, run