> Outlook should allow you to use prefixed quote characters, rather than your rather confusing method of simply including it (which makes it impossible to distinguish between material written by the person you are replying to, and your reply). On Outlook 2000, at any rate, the sequence is: Tools > Options > E-mail Options > "On replies and forwards", "When replying to a message", change the drop-down list to: "Prefix each line of original message" Please make sure that you are using ">" as a quote prefix. Outlook wasn't designed for newsgroup type messages, and this is a newsgroup type messages. I don't usually stick around listservers for very long unless I can read the messages on a newsgroup. I'm on one listserver (IBM-Main), that I read via my newsgroup reader, and then have to remember to edit the "reply to", from the newsgroup to the listserver name if I want everybody to read it. I gave up on a Bujold listserver. It's hard to make it work with my spam filters, they interrupt my work, and don't work well with Outlook.