
Several Questions...

Mark A Mandel mam at theworld.com
Tue Mar 2 14:19:51 PST 2004

On Tue, 2 Mar 2004, Jerry Friedman wrote:

#I can never remember what we know about Cawti, except that she has
#no patronymic.  Vlad and Cawti have a son, Vlad Norathar, mentioned
#briefly at the end of _Orca_.  Vlad doesn't know that.

I think she said she doesn't have one *any more*. And her established
status as Brigitte's (from _Brokedown Palace_) daughter was recently
discussed here, though I don't remember the subject line of the thread,
and we don't have a search engine for the archive, do we?

#Kieron had a brother, Dolavin, and a sister who was a Shaman and


#Sethra's servant Tukko addresses her as "young one" and she
#addresses him by something for which "Tukko" may be a nickname,
#which I'll bet a dot to an orb means something like "tutelary
#genius of Dzur Mountain".  In _Taltos_ Sethra has a servant named

Look at that vocative again; "Chaz" is another nickname for it. (I'm
AFB so I can't look it up and quote it to you.)

-- Mark A. Mandel
   a Steven Brust Dragaera fan website