
A crack in Dragon...

Fri Mar 12 09:08:19 PST 2004

Jason *Jaxel* Axelrod wrote:
> Okay, this one kind of threw me off.
> Q: How did Aliera prove that Norathar was the Dragon heir to the throne? 
> A: She used Pathfinder to track her bloodlines

In Yendi, Aliera used her genetic scanning techniques to determine that 
the e'Lanya line was the one that should host the heir. Her interest in 
genetics was driven by her desire to find someone else to be Dragon 
heir; her discovery of the e'Lanyas would have led her to investigate 
the deaths of Norathar's parents and discover that Norathar was still 
alive, but living in disgrace as a Jhereg. I don't think Pathfinder has 
anything to do with it.

  > Q: How during the second Interlude in the book Dragon, in which Vlad was
> discussing with his fiancé Cawti the offer Sethra the Younger was making to
> Aliera of trading Pathfinder which is under Sethra’s possession for Kieron’s
> Greatsword which is under Aliera’s possession, did they also mention how
> Norathar would make a great Empress when in fact it should not be known that
> Norathar is the Dragon heir to the throne as Aliera has yet to acquire
> Pathfinder and so has yet to trace Norathar’s bloodlines? As well being that
> in the book (I think it was Taltos) when Vlad was first killed by Cawti (as
> would be where they first met), Aliera already had Pathfinder.

Vlad first meets Cawti in Yendi; the circumstances of their meeting 
revolve around the plot to discredit Norathar and keep her discredited 
(or dead, whichever).

Jose Marquez                       \  Cthulhu 2004
jhereg69 at earthlink.net              \  Why vote for
http://home.earthlink.net/~jhereg69  \  the lesser evil?