
Cycle Progression

Sun Mar 14 16:32:58 PST 2004

> It's always cool to across certain things in the novels, see how they're
> consistent, and realize that, in all probability, it was planned
> that way.
> Consider the cycle.  We'll start at Jhereg, because that's where
> I want to
> start.
> However, I have no idea where to go to get to Tsalmoth, and none
> from there
> to Vallista and from there back to Jhereg.  I just don't know
> enough about
> them.  But nonetheless, I'm sure I've made my point.  While I could be
> overanalyzing, it could very easily have been thought out by Steve in the
> beginning.  If so, good job :P

The Phoenix Guards, ppbk pg 78 - It is when the cold and rigid Vallista
brings an Emperor to the throne that such laws are enforced in all their
vigor, which enforcement puts gold into the treasury of the Jhereg, who
eventually make use of it to buy their way into positions of power until
they can pick their own Emperor, from which we can learn that it is the
Jhereg, along with those corrupt officials who lack only the colors to be
Jhereg themselves, who gain from the enforcement of laws designed to limit
an individual's pleasure.

Jury's still out on Tsalmoth, however.  The major Tsalmoth we've run into is
Lord Garland, and since Dragaerans are quite rigidly stereotyped by House, I
imagine most Tsalmoth, and thus Tsalmoth reigns, are similar to him.
