> The major Tsalmoth we've run into is Lord Garland, and since > Dragaerans are quite rigidly stereotyped by House, I > imagine most Tsalmoth, and thus Tsalmoth reigns, are similar to him. There is one other semi-major Tsalmoth, unless Vlad is mistaken: Jhereg, page 101 of the Book of Jhereg - Fentor was a Tsalmoth, and he'd been with Morrolan's security forces for over fifty years. Yendi, page 240 of the Book of Jhereg - I concentrated on a certain Tsalmoth, who worked for Morrolan and reported directly to me. . . . "Who is it?" said Fentor. Now, I'm half convinced this Fentor is the same Fentor from the Lord of Castle Black, but _that_ Fentor was a Dragon: The Lord of Castle Black, page 73 - [Morrolan] had been fortunate enough to find a Dragonlord named Fentor e'Mondaar. Now, we know Vlad is not the foremost expert on House identification (see the Lady Daro, a Tiassa who Vlad mistakes for a Lyorn), so who knows. If Fentor in Vlad's time is a Tsalmoth, he does appear quite a bit different in character than Lord Garland. Bryan