> And note that on pg 21 (ppb) of _Dragon_ Vlad is teleported to CB > and looks down (which I have trouble believing) while recovering. > The landscape he sees appears to possibly represent a rune; he > speculates it might be telling the castle not to fall. I think the > landscape information might be echoed elsewhere - anyway this passage > seems to suggest Vlad believes the castle is sessile, as it were. I suspected that Vlad was merely being metaphorical, so I didn't seriously consider this possibility when I first read it. I believe your point is worth serious consideration, so I have updated the article "The Location of Castle Black" on my Brust site to include your quote above. Do you prefer if I quote you by name only (as I have done), or include a link to email to you directly? I do not want to put anyone's email address on my web site without their permission, as I understand there are nasty little spiders that have infested the web and crawl around extracting unsuspecting folks' email addresses and turn them over to persons of ill repute who use them in their nefarious plans to get rich by convincing said folks they can enlarge/sustain certain parts of their body with little or not effort. Bryan