
Cycle Progression

Mon Mar 15 05:05:28 PST 2004

On Sun, Mar 14, 2004 at 09:34:06PM -0600, Bryan Newell wrote:

> There is one other semi-major Tsalmoth, unless Vlad is mistaken:

> Jhereg, page 101 of the Book of Jhereg - Fentor was a Tsalmoth, and he'd
> been with Morrolan's security forces for over fifty years.

> Yendi, page 240 of the Book of Jhereg - I concentrated on a certain
> Tsalmoth, who worked for Morrolan and reported directly to me. . . . "Who is
> it?" said Fentor.

> Now, I'm half convinced this Fentor is the same Fentor from the Lord of
> Castle Black, but _that_ Fentor was a Dragon:

> The Lord of Castle Black, page 73 - [Morrolan] had been fortunate enough to
> find a Dragonlord named Fentor e'Mondaar.

> Now, we know Vlad is not the foremost expert on House identification...

I'd be willing to bet that Vlad saw Fentor at Castle Black in Dragon
colors (since he's serving a Dragonlord), and made an untowards
assumption.  Fentor certianly isn't a lackey, but he's also serving
in a fairly sensitive position and in many senses representing the,
er, forceful side of Morrolan.  Not unlike, for example, the Phoenix
Guards wearing gold cloaks in spite of their house.

As a backing fact, note that Khaavren mis-identified the house of his
future wife due to her clothing choice.  So we know that members of
houses *do* dress in other colors, but that it's unusual enough to
fool Dragaerans who have strong interest in correct house identification.

IMHO, Vlads error.  No harm, no foul, no second Fentor.
   "Many men stumble across the truth, but most manage to pick
themselves up and continue as if nothing had happened."
    - Winston Churchill