
Goblets, Emperors per Reign

Tue Mar 23 21:30:54 PST 2004

--- Philip Hart <philiph at slac.stanford.edu> wrote:
> On Tue, 23 Mar 2004, Sean Whalen wrote:
> > --- Philip Hart <philiph at slac.stanford.edu> wrote:
> > >
> > >

> > > We know from _FHYA_ that several courtiers ran
> the
> > > same risk successfully.
> >
> >    Really?  What did they get out of it?
> Jurabin may have gotten de facto control of the
> Empire.  Shaltre probably
> got some influence.  Adron got who-knows-what.  Note
> that Cousin Allistar
> survived his brush with discovery - see pg 225 of
> _TPG_.

   Huh?  Nothing was discovered.  Tortaalik was
suspicious when he saw Allistar and Noima together
(because of Garland's manipulations to remove others
with influence) but had no proof.  Later he felt
guilty and thought he may have acted harshly for no
reason.  We know from Illista's conversation with
Allistar (overheard by Khaavren) that there wasn't any
affair and Noima hardly reacted to his attempts at

   Jurabin got his power from being Prime Minister.  I
don't think any of these people actually had affairs
with Noima or tried to do so to gain personal power. 
She might have flirted with them slightly to gain
attention and feel desired.  There's no more proof
Noima had affairs with any of the people you name than
there is that Allistar meant to displace Tortaalik. 
That is, they're both speculation.  I just like my
speculation better.

> As to the rest of this argument, we don't seem to be
> convincing each
> other, so perhaps it's time to await further

   Fine.  I think I've run out of steam anyway.

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