
Alternate ending for _Jhereg_

Matthew Klahn mklahn at mac.com
Thu Mar 25 12:33:29 PST 2004

On Mar 25, 2004, at 14:00 , Philip Hart wrote:

> Dumb question perhaps, but why doesn't Mellar speed the process along 
> by
> either covertly putting out word on the Jhereg street that he's at CB 
> or
> by having a hit done on himself (and arrange to have it be permanent 
> but
> not Morganti)?

Dumb answer, perhaps, but maybe he would feel like that is "cheating". 
The whole thing is to make a point, and the point would be lessened if 
he pretty much just did it all himself, methinks. I forget (since I am 
AFB), does Mellar have any Dragon in him? No, right? Just Dzur and 

Matthew S. Klahn
Software Architect, CodeTek Studios, Inc.