
Issola, Dragon, J Whedon, and Chandler's The Long Goodbye

Thu Mar 25 17:54:36 PST 2004

wamydia wrote:
> Then Jerry Friedman said:
>>Right, and I notice Aliera doesn't seem to mind
>>Cawti's preparing
>>to stab StY in the back.  So I withdraw my question.
> OK, here is one of the things that confuses me.  Why
> wasn't A upset about this?  For that matter, why
> wasn't M upset when V snuck up behind Fornia and cut
> his hand off at the end of the war?  My impression of
> Dragon honor up to this point was that an honorable
> duel did not include distracting an opponent so that
> an assassin could sneak up behind him.  Although A and
> M weren't doing this intentionally, it seems that
> spectators might construe it that way and it would
> reflect badly on A or M.  So why weren't they at least
> a little miffed when Cawti or Vlad snuck up behind
> their respective opponents in order to do them in from
> behind?

Neither was a formal duel; they were pretty much brawls. I'd imagine 
Aliera would be pissed if anyone ended a formal duel by killing her 
opponent for her. And remember, Morrolan says that in war, targeting 
officers for assassination is not only not dishonorable but highly 

Jose Marquez                       \  Cthulhu 2004
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