

Thu Apr 1 07:34:02 PST 2004

> -----Original Message-----
> From: skzb [mailto:skzb at dreamcafe.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 5:05 PM
> To: Warlord; dragaera at dragaera.info
> Subject: Re: vlad
>  > Humph.  I wish salesdroids would give readers more credit.
> >
> Hmmm...I'm really having trouble getting this across.  Maybe it's my
> communication skills.  Perhaps I should consider learning to write.
> It is not about the reader.  It is about the salesman for the publisher,
> "taking a lunch" with the B.Dalton buyer, and showing him the new
> catalogue.
> And saying, "And then we have the Enchantress of z...the Ench...the
> thingie...a new Terry Brooks novel that I'm sure you'll love."
> That's an overstatment, but, as it was explained to me, it is
> likely to have
> a small but real effect on how excited the sales staff is about
> the book.  I
> was told, "If this is important to you, we can keep the title.
> If it isn't
> important to you, consider changing it."  It isn't that important to me.

This concept is understood.  I just don't like it.  The author should
get paid for writing good works that the reader likes.  The middle-its
should not be deciding/influencing what the reader likes.  I know that
is not the case, but it SHOULD be.   It's my opinion, and I am sticking
with it because, by Verra's flaming bouncing tits, I'm RIGHT.


"I can't give you a brain, but I can give you a diploma." -- The Wizard of