
Poker (was Vlad)

Fri Apr 2 10:26:30 PST 2004

--- Ike Porter <ike at manor.org> wrote:
> On Thu, 1 Apr 2004, Sunny Han wrote:
> > I love to watch poker on TV. But like, at the table, do players have a
> > just a feel of what chances they have, and just like uhm a mental note
> > of what to do or do they really calculate those odds and compare?
> >
> > -S
> Briefly...
> Some players know the numbers to the nth degree. Others have at least a
> vague clue about it. Some just like to donate.
> It still comes down to all the odds in the world not helping you if you
> don't know how to play your hand.

But don't the odds help you know how to play your hand?

> Lastly, it's not just the cards you need to know, but you should be able
> to read the other players as well to be successful.

I believe you.

Jerry Friedman

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