
Poker (was Vlad)

Michael Angelo Tripp-Russo michaelangelo at tripp-russo.com
Sat Apr 3 14:19:19 PST 2004

>If you're REALLY interested, you can play online for free while you learn,
>and good books that talk about strategy for your reading enjoyment.  Do
>NOT put money online until you're really, really ready, then wait a couple
>of weeks and check again that you're really, really ready.
Most places you play online for free will be full of players that'll 
teach you bad habits, at least that is what I've thought for a ling 
time. Most of the people treat it like there isn't money involved; which 
of course is the case. I'm not saying you can't find good places to play 
online for free, but they are few and far between.

I remember IRC poker as being more accurate portrayal of actual live 
money players. It has been a long time since I've played on IRC though 
so it might be quite different now.