

Tue Apr 6 21:44:05 PDT 2004

On Tue, Apr 06, 2004 at 06:31:32PM -0500, Matthew Hunter <matthew at infodancer.org> wrote:
> By way of simultaneously offering a contribution of deceptively 
> little content to the discussion, and a play of words to those 
> list members enamored of such tasks, and finally, to misquote one 
> of our heros... 
> I am now one-half a Teresa.
> Discuss.


I have finished, and thus, I shall comment.

1) Tazendra was indeed the subject of the explosion and fire 
which brought Paresh (the Teckla sorceror from Teckla) to 
Adrilankha.  However, this was the result of an attack, not 
an experiment.

2) Aerich was, in fact, the Duke of Arylle who arrived to inquire 
pf Paresh what had occurred.  Intriguingly, however, Paarfi's 
account differs from Paresh's in several manners; first, Aerich 
gives no indication of being a sorceror; second, Paresh (who is 
not named in Paarfi's account) similarly gives no indication of 
sorcerous ability; third, as described by Paarfi, the encounter 
between the two was exceedingly brief and had no nature of combat 
about it; fourth, if Paarfi's account can be considered accurate, 
the behavior of Paresh is extremely typical of a Teckla.

I am not sure who to believe.

3) Morrolan did, indeed, sacrifice several villages to Verra.  
In the process, he killed a god.  He also seems to derive some 
benefit from the souls consumed by Blackwand; although this is 
only hinted at.  In light of that, I wonder what effect the 
consumption of Tri'nagore had upon him?

4) Tazendra has indeed died (and died well), but not at 
Morrolan's sword.  Thus, the question of what I shall call 
"Morrolan's Paradox of the Paths" remains unanswered.

5) There was very little in this book about Sethra.  This was 

6) I suspect that Vlad may run into the Blue Fox at some point.
Which begs the question, how DO the Jhereg feel about "road 
agents" unaffiliated with their House?

7) Loraan apparantly summoned a Jenoine despite remaining 
entirely offstage.  Odd.  Why he remains an active player 
backstage I have no idea.  

8) Grita appears to have died.  Depending on Paarfi's accuracy, 
this may have some effect on whether Grita was an invented 
character to fill Mellar's role in Jhereg, about which there was 
brief speculation earlier.

9) Aerich is dead.  I believe this resolves a minor inconsistency 
about the age of the Duke of Arylle in Vlad's time; eg, Aerich 
would no longer hold that position.

10) I remain disappointed with the presentation of Morrolan and 
Blackwand.  Their sections almost feel as if Paarfi was merely 
going through the motions; not very fun to read at all.  The 
actions were significant and reasonable, but the depiction was 
relatively lifeless.  This quality, in fact, pervades all three 
volumes of this work.  

11) In theory, Pel remains alive and active as Prime Minister.  
Since his stated preference is for discretion, it is perhaps 
understandable that Vlad has not commented upon him.

12) None of the questions regarding the Warlock have been 
effectively answered.

13) We get to see the origins of Morrolan's eternal party.  Heh.

14) The development of teleportation and psionic communication 
are depicted rather well.

15) Why hasn't Vlad met Arra?

16) When did Morrolan become a wizard?  Issola implies that he 
was already a wizard when he acquired Blackwand, because he was 
then able to replace his staff with Blackwand.  And yet, we have 
seen little indication of that.  (For that matter, all of 
Morrolan's skills develop in leaps and bounds offstage; this is 

17) I have a minor, and I believe entirely understandable, 
curiousity regarding the identity of the individual quoted 
on page 341 by "the author", whom I suspect in this case to be 
Paarfi.  I wonder if the translator would deign to comment.

Matthew Hunter (matthew at infodancer.org)
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